Moving to digital has been fast tracked
The way in which we communicate and interact with our customers and our employees has changed. Adjusting your digital strategy to meet the new demand for re-engineered CX and EX is vital to business continuity.  In recent weeks we’ve seen a surge in remote working and organisations frantically adjusting to a new way of work […]

The way in which we communicate and interact with our customers and our employees has changed. Adjusting your digital strategy to meet the new demand for re-engineered CX and EX is vital to business continuity. 

In recent weeks we’ve seen a surge in remote working and organisations frantically adjusting to a new way of work in order to continue and preserve business.

One of Immersion Group’s senior experience design consultants says that in order to navigate this new normal; organisations will need to re-imagine their experience management strategies; enhance capability, learn how people will now want to interact with them, and put these real-time insights into the hands of the people who can rapidly action these new experiences within a dynamic environment. 

Without a clear path for doing business in the future, we will continue to operate in a phase of uncertainty. And this is causing a lot of organisations to feel anxious for the future of business. By mapping out a digital path for doing business now and in the future; organisations and their stakeholders will be able to work toward the common goal of business without disruption.

In order to gain insight into this new outlook; it is critical to re-imagine the experience management strategy. This would involve all business units and stakeholder input from customer and employee experience to the product and brand experience.

The re-engineering of digital platforms or digitising of physical products or services where possible, could mean further security for the business continuity plan.

A senior experience design consultant at Immersion Group says that moving to digital has been fast tracked, and organisations that don’t invest in digital for the future now, could risk failing their business continuity plans.

In times of uncertainty, it is vital that businesses work toward stability in a remote environment, where they’re able to continue servicing customers online with a great CX strategy coupled with intuitive UX design, that further strengthens their relationship with them.